The 24 Solar Terms

The “24 solar terms” originated and was firstly used in China. It was created thousands years ago on the basis of practical needs of agriculture. It's determined by the changes of the sun’s position in the zodiac throughout the year, with two segments each month. Ancient Chinese people used it to guide agriculture production, special climate signs such as floods and drought, cultural ceremonies, family gatherings and even healthy living tips. Nowadays the “24 solar terms” is still being used by farmers and followed in many other parts of the world apart from China.

Spring Begins, The Rains, Insects Awaken, Vernal Equinox, Clear and Bright, Grain Rain are all in spring.
Summer Begins, Grain Buds, Grain in Ear, Summer Solstice, Slight Heat, Great Heat, are all in summer.
Autumn Begins, Stopping the Heat, White Dews, Autumn Equinox, Cold Dews, Hoar-Frost Falls are all in autumn.
Winter Begins, Light Snow, Heavy Snow, Winter Solstice, Slight Cold, Great Cold are all in winter.

Springs Begins, Summer Begins, Autumn Begins and Winter Begins show the beginning of the four seasons. Vernal Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice indicate the turning points of the changes in the luminosity of the sun.

Spring Begins

Spring Begins

“Spring Begins” is the first solar term in the 24 solar terms. In China, it represents thebeginning of the spring season. It usually happens between February 2 and February 5when the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 315 degrees. If you look at the stars at7 p.m. on this day, you might see the bucket arm of the Big Dipper pointing to thenorth-east direction at exactly the 45 degree angle, which is also called “Gen”, adirection in the Chinese Eight Diagrams. When “Spring Begins” arrives, days get longerand sunlight gets warmer. Temperature, the length of sunlight and the amount ofrainfall are all at the turning points of the year. An old Chinese saying goes like this, “Spring begins and rain arrives. Get up early and sleep late.” It is to remind the farmersthat the annual agriculture is about to begin.

Traditional Customs
There were many activities and customs to celebrate this day in old times and for someof them, people may even see the traces today. According to the historical articles fromthe ancient times, almost all the dynasties throughout China’s ancient historycelebrated this day by holding big ceremonies and fiesta. It has become a festivalrather than just a solar term. People usually welcome season by playing traditionalactivities such as “Spring Baby”, “Spring Whip” and “Spring Cow". The day is alsocalled “Biting Spring” since people eat traditional food such as “Spring Roll” and“Spring Pancake”.

Healthy Living Tips
When spring comes, the natural world is revitalizing and all things are flourishing. Sameto the crops, human bodies also start a new round of growth from this day. Peopleshould open the windows more frequently to allow the air to circulate and take morephysical exercises to enhance their immunity. It is also the best time to protect one’sliver, since according to traditional Chinese medical principles, “spring appropriateraising liver”. Taking nourishment including traditional Chinese medicine ingredientssuch as Chinese wolfberry, Turmeric Root-tuber, the root of red-rooted salvia,Corydalis tuber and food like Chinese date, fermented soya beans, spring onion, garlic,caraway and peanut are all quite good choices.

The Rains

The Rains

When the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 330 degrees, the solar term of “TheRains” arrives. “The Rains” indicates that as the weather gets warmer, the amount ofrainfall increases, at the same time the form of precipitation transforms from snowfall torainfall. It usually happens on February 18 or February 19 and ends on March 4 orMarch 5. When passing the day of “The Rains”, the weather sometimes can beunpredictable for a few days. One minute, it rains and another minute, it shines. Whenthe season comes, the otter starts fishing, the wild goose flies back to north from southand grass and trees start to sprout. No matter what, rain is the most important elementin this solar term. Just like the Chinese farmers often say, “Spring rain is as precious asoil”, meaning raining is a sign that crops will soon grow faster.

Traditional Customs
In old times, married daughter should go home and visit her parents on this day.Woman who already has children should bring presents such as canned meat, chairsto home to show their filial piety. Pregnant woman should wear a pair of red trouserssewn by her mother, which was to bless her baby being delivered healthy. Young girlshould find a god father which can help her grow safely and healthily. Nowadays, thiscustom is still quite popular in some of the countryside in China.

Healthy Living Tips
As the rainfall increases, dampness invades the spleen. It’s very important to protectthe spleen during this period by eating foods that would help to dispel wind andeliminate dampness inside one’s body. Honey, dates, Chinese yam, tremella are allvery good nourishment. On the other hand, raining often causes anxiety and peoplewith high blood pressure, heart attack and asthma need to pay special attention to theirhealth conditions.

Insects Awaken

Insects Awaken

In Chinese, the third solar term in spring is called Jing Zhe, which means that insectsare awaken from winter sleep by the sound of thunder. It happens when the sunreaches the celestial longitude of 345 degrees on March 5 or March 6. After this day,thunders begin to appear all over China and the sound awakens all kinds ofhibernating insects hiding in the soil. As contemporary scientific research shows, whatreally makes the insects awaken is the increasing temperature of the soil. In Chineseancient poems, “Insects Awaken” was often described with views of peach blooming,yellow warblers tweeting and swallows flying. It is the time for spring farming in most ofthe places in China.

Traditional Customs
There are two tradition customs spread among the folk. The first one is to hold sacrificeceremony for the white tiger in order to defuse dispute. In China’s folk legend, the whitetiger is the god for dispute. Every year at this time, it comes out to find food and eatpeople alive. If someone violates the white tiger, he or she will encounter villains in lifestirring up troubles. To hold a ceremony for the white tiger can bless the person withgood luck and in ancient times, people used handmade paper white tiger to representthe real one. The second custom is to “beat the villain” and drive way the bad luck. Thisis done by using wormwood or special materials to drive out all the insects, rates andsnakes hiding in the corner of people’s houses and people believe that by doing so,they are “beating the prolife of the villains.”

Healthy Living Tips
When “Insects Awaken” arrives, the Yang Qi in human’s body is increasing and the YinQi is relatively weak. It’s the best time to eat food which may help peace down the fiveinternal organs especially liver and spleen. It’s better to eat food with more vegetableprotein rather than those with adipose. Healthy food include duck blood, spinach,aloes, summer radish, balsam pear, Malabar spinach, celery, rape, Chinese yam, lotusseed and tremella. According to medical research, this period is also a peak season forsymptoms such as livers diseases, flu, chicken pox, herpes zoster and specialattentions must be paid to prevent these illness.