Growing up with Chinese(成长汉语) is an entertaining, fun and easy Chinese series. This series teaches 300 of the most commonly spoken Chinese phrases to teenagers. It is hosted by Charlotte MacInnis, known to the Chinese audiences as Ai Hua.

Key words:
特价 tèjià:special offer
打折 dǎzhé:to give a discount
打七折 dǎ qī zhé:30% off
条 tiáo:the measure word for pants
牛仔裤 niúzǎikù:jeans
裤子 kùzi:pants
合身 héshēn:fit
觉得 juéde:to feel
不太合适bú tài héshì:doesn't fit well
肥 féi:fat, baggy
货 huò:stock
样品 yàngpǐn:sample