Growing up with Chinese(成长汉语) is an entertaining, fun and easy Chinese series. This series teaches 300 of the most commonly spoken Chinese phrases to teenagers. It is hosted by Charlotte MacInnis, known to the Chinese audiences as Ai Hua.

Key words:
站台 zhàntái:platform
忙着 mángzhe:to be busy with
香山 xiāngshān:the Fragrant Hills
红叶 hóngyè:red leaves
满脑子 mǎnnǎozǐ:your entire head
天赋 tiānfù:talent ,natural gift
比如 bǐrú:for example
保重 bǎozhòng:to take care of oneself
努力 nǔlì:to make great efforts
打瞌睡 dǎ kēshuì:to doze off
才…就 cái…jiù:only…already
千万别 qiānwàn bié:must not
一路平安 yílù-píng'ān:May your whole trip be safe and well