One character a day, easy to master Chinese characters. Let's take a look at the basic knowledge of "女".

女 nǚ
Explanation:  woman; girl
Phrases: 女士(nǚ shì) laby  ;淑女(shū nǚ) fair lady
最早的象形字是把“女”字画成双手放在前面,一副鞠躬的样子( );渐渐地,又把“女”画得像一个跪下的女人,两手交叉放在胸前,这是古代妇女的形象。
In ancient times the position of women was as low as that of slaves, so the earliest known pictographs for woman show her in bowing position with her arms crossed in front of her body ( ). Subsequent developments show her in a kneeling position.


1. Wángnǚshì,nǐhǎo!
Hello, Ms. Wang!

2.Tā zǒnɡshì biǎoxiàn de xiànɡ ɡè shūnǚ.
She always acts like a lady.