Foreigners often make some strange mistakes in Chinese when they study the most difficult language--- ---Chinese. We try to analyze typical sentences to correct these errors.

         Qǐnɡ nǐ bǎ nǐ de shū jiè wǒ yònɡyònɡ, nénɡ mɑ?
False: 请你把你的书借我用用,吗?
          Qǐnɡ nǐ bǎ nǐ de shū jiè wǒ yònɡyònɡ, ké yǐ mɑ ?
True: 请你把你的书借我用用,可以吗?

能 is never used at the end of a sentence asking for permission. 可以,成 and 行 forms an answer independently.