
Cuī Jiāo (Táng)

Gōngzǐ wángsūn zhú hòu chén,
lǜzhū chuí lèi dī luójīn.
Hóumén yí rù shēn rú hǎi,
cóngcǐ Xiāo Láng shì lùrén.


"婢(bì)" in this poem is a maidservant in the poet's aunt's, who fell in love with the poet but later was sold to a prestigious family by the aunt. "绿珠(lǜzhū)" refers to the favorite concubine of a rich man named Shi Chong in the Western Jin Dynasty. Because of her beauty, a person of great influence called Sun Xiu asked Shi Chong to give her to him but was turned down. As a result, Shi was framed and put into prison and the concubine killed herself by jumping from a tower. "萧郎(Xiāo Láng)" is generally used to refer to the lover of woman in Chinese classics; here it refers to the poet himself.

The men born with a silver spoon in the mouth are struggling to woo you but you are like绿珠 keeping weeping till your silk handkerchief soaked with tears. Once you are married to the rich family, you are like diving into the deep ocean. From then on, I will be a total stranger to you.

The poem describes the sadness of the poet when his beloved one was robbed by the rich and powerful. It also reflects a love tragedy caused by differences in social status. Through using the allusion of 绿珠, the poet expresses the deep agony of women in ancient China.


姑母(gūmǔ) : n. aunt
婢女(bìnǚ) : n. maidservant
显贵(xiǎnguì): n. nobility
宠妾(chǒngqiè): n. favorite concubine
手绢(shǒujuàn) : n. handkerchief
陌路人(mòlùrén): er
劫夺(jiéduó): v. rob
封建社会 (fēngjiànshèhuì) :n. feudal society

