菜鸟 (càiniǎo) green hand; newbie


The literal meaning of “菜鸟(càiniǎo)” was the birds for eating. It is a metaphor for a green hand in Chinese dialect and now is commonly used as a network term, referring to a computer illiterate or a man who is not proficient in certain areas.


1、Xùnliàn zhèxiē xīnlái càiniǎo de rènwu jiù jiāo gěi nǐ le, jiāyóu!
It is up to you to train these new comers!

2、Zhè zhī qiúduì běnlái shì càiniǎo duìwu,dàn zuìhòu què jìnrù le juésài, chéngwéi yì pǐ hēimǎ.
This freshman team got into the final unexpectedly and became a dark horse.
