Ancient Chinese can speak loose-tongued Chinese in Ancient China. Please read I in different dynasties and try to read the extract from the Book of Songs(《诗经》shī jīnɡ) in Ancient Chinese.

How to say I in in Ancient China

1)Shang dynasty

2)Zhou dynasty

3)Han dynasty

4)Sui dynasty

5)Tang dynasty

6)Song dynasty

7)Ming dynasty

8)the Republic of China (1912-1949)

9)the People's Republic of China(1949-now) Mandarin

2. Read the extract from the Book of Songs(《诗经》shī jīnɡ) in Ancient Chinese


1 Onomatopoeia By Zhengzhang Shangfang郑张尚芳拟音

2 Qieyun in Sui dynasty langugae切韵

3 Official Mandarin in Northern Song dynasty北宋官话

4 Official Mandarin in Yuan dynasty中原音韵

5 Modern Mandarin普通话