夜猫子 (yèmāozi) night owl


“夜猫子(yèmāozi)” means owls in Chinese dialect. Since the owl sleeps during the day and preys in the night, people who like to burn night oil and sleep late in the morning are nicknamed “夜猫子”。


1、Xiànzài hěnduō niánqīngrén dōushì yèmāozi, wǎnshang bú shuìjiào, zǎoshang bù qǐchuáng.
Nowadays a lot of youth become night owls. They go to bed late in night and get up late in the morning.

2、Tā wǎnshang yèshēn rénjìng de shíhòu cáinéng jìng xià xīn xiě bìyè lùnwén, māma dānxīn tā zhè yèmāozi de xíguàn duì shēntǐ bùhǎo.
He can only concentrate on writing the graduation thesis in late night. His mother worries this will cause harm to his health.
