红包 (hóngbāo) red packet (containing money as a gift); bribe or kickback


“红包(hóngbāo)” originally referred to the red packets containing money as a gift from the senior to the junior in Spring Festival. Later, it generally refers to the red packets with money in which are given as gifts on occasions of wedding, birthday party, first encounter or other important gatherings, and for showing gratitude, rewarding or even bribing.


1、Gōngxǐ fācái, hóngbāo nálái!
Congratulations get rich, red bag is taken!

2、Yánjìn yīshēng shōuqǔ huàn zhě jí jiā shǔ de hóngbāo.
Doctors are forbidden to accept gift of money from patients and their family members.
