瓜葛(guāgé) creeping vines; complicated relationship


Both “瓜” and “葛” come from vines, so this phrase originally meant to twist and dispute. It now refers to family or social relationships. It can also mean a complicated relationship between two events.


1、Wǒ men zhī jiān bìng méi yǒu rèn hé guā gé ,qǐng bú yào lái zhǎo wǒ le.
There is no sort of relationship between us; please don’t come looking for me again.

2、Tā jílì piěqīng guānxi, kànqǐlái sìhū yǔ cǐshì háowú guāgé.
He is trying to play down their involvement and make it appear they have no connection to this affair.
