Cultural tips

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a unique treatment system, that in rooted in deep philosophical concepts. It usually starts with general awareness of the disease and 辨证施治(biàn zhèng shī zhì). Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that the invisible 经络(jīngluò) exists in human body. 经络(jīngluò) and internal organs work together to maintain a healthy functioning of the human body. Once the balance is broken, it will result in some symptoms. Traditional Chinese diagnostics are based on overall observation of human symptoms. Diagnosis is done through four methods: observing (望, wàng), hearing and smelling (闻, wén), asking about medical history (问, wèn) and touching (切, qiè), combining with the observation of the patient’s face and pulse. It also takes the patient’s body and eating habits, the season, climate and other factors into consideration. This is the so-called 对症下药(duì zhèng xià yào). Rather than medical treatment alone, Traditional Chinese Medicine focuses on holistic health, that is, people harmonizing their body and mind with a good diet and exercise to keep fit.