
1. 请您先去交费。Qǐng nín xiān qù jiāo fèi.
Please pay first.
First of all the doctors would ask you to pay first. 请您先去交费.
请 qǐng, please.
您 nín, the second tone. It’s the polite form of 你.
先 xiān, the first tone, which means first.
去qù, to go.
交费 jiāo fèi, to pay.
2. 大夫,取药。Dàifu, qǔ yào.
I’d like to fill this prescription.
You could fill the prescriptions. Tell them directly 大夫,取药.
大夫 dàifu, doctor.
取药 qǔ yào, to fill the prescription.

3. 这一瓶是外用的。
Zhè yì píng shì wàiyòng de.
This is for external use.
There are explanations about how to take the medicine. 这一瓶是外用的. This is for external use.
这 zhè, this.
一瓶 yì píng, one bottle.
是 shì, is.
外用的 wài yòng de, for external use.

4. 您别弄错了。
Nín bié nòngcuò le.
Take care not to mix them up.
您 nín, you.
别 bié, don’t.
弄错 nòngcuò, to make a mistake.
了 le, is a particle here. It comes at the end of the sentence to indicate something has already happened. For example,下雨了(Xià yǔ le). It’s raining. 花开了(Huā kāi le). The flower is in blossom.