The complement 得很 (dehěn) is used after adjectives to add intensity. It is similar to adding 很 before the adjective,the main difference being that adjective + 得很 is more informal, and adds more emphasis than just 很 + adjective.


Adjective + 得 很


tā lǎn dé hěn,tīnɡshuō tā měitiān 11diǎn zhōnɡ cái qǐchuánɡ。
1.他 懒 得 很,听说 他 每天 11点 钟 才 起床。
He is really lazy. I've heard that he doesn't get up until 11 o'clock every day.

bú yònɡ hàipà,zhècì kǎoshì jiǎndān dé hěn!
不 用 害怕,这次 考试 简单 得 很!
Don't be scared. This test is very simple!

zhè dào cài xiānɡ dé hěn,nǐ dàodǐ fànɡ le shénme tiáoliào.
这 道 菜 香 得 很,你 到底 放 了 什么 调料?
This food is very fragrant. What on earth did you add to it?