Eat healthy:


Pumpkins are nutritious, containing starch, protein, vitamin c, beta-carotene, vitamin b and calcium, phosphorus and other ingredients. The nutrient-rich, regular consumption of vegetables for rural people, and become increasingly urban human attention. Not only have higher food value. And have a therapeutic role not to be ignored. According to the southern Materia Medica contains: temperature of pumpkin, sweet flavor non-toxic, into the spleen and stomach by the second, moistening lung Qi, resolving phlegm and row of dense, insecticide detoxification, treating cough wheezing, constipation and therapy of lung abscess, diuretic, beauty and role. In recent years, the research experiment that medical experts, and scholars at home and abroad, fresh pumpkin, and treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy (pumpkin treatable prostate hypertrophy), prostate cancer prevention, prevention and treatment of gastric ulcer and arteriosclerosis, the role of stones.

Pumpkin jujube soup(南瓜红枣汤 nánguā hóngzǎo tāng) ingredients: pumpkin, date;

Pumpkin jujube soup ingredients: honey;

Practice of jujube soup with pumpkin:

1, after the pieces of peeled flesh of pumpkin, wash cut into chunks.

2, small red dates with warm bubbles to be used.

3, put all the material put into the pot, add water materials about three centimetres higher.

4, the fire boil, turn in the fire, and boil 15 minutes. Last May the amount of honey, mix thoroughly to stall.

5, completed.

Warm Tip:

With honey (have a sweet tooth to pay more, plus less does not have a sweet tooth).

Food taboos:


Pumpkin is one of inducing matter, unfit during taking Chinese medicines.Temperature of pumpkin, eat less the effects of stomach heat flourishing; pumpkin Yung delay, stagnation in the full, and food.