Results found with the tag 'Hui' , 2 articles in total.

  • [Customs] The traditional Hui Minority

    The Hui are one of the largest among China's ethnic minorities, mainly living in Ningxia, Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang. In addition, the Hui Moslems can be found in most of China's counties and ci

    2013-10-05 12:00:00+0800
  • [Movies&TV] 《面条noodles》

    《面条》通过一个回民的家庭,让我们看到真实中国的一面。2010年马德里纪录片电影节,国内比赛一等奖。Noodles describe a Hui minority nationality's family in China and show more authentic life in China.

    2012-08-08 10:16:41+0800