Spring Night in the Left Office
Du Fu

数问夜如何 chūn sù zuǒ shěng

huā yǐn yè yuán mù
jiū jiū qī niǎo guò
xīng lín wàn hù dòng
yuè bàng jiǔ xiāo duō
bù qǐn tīng jīn yuè
yīn fēng xiǎng yù kē
míng zhāo yǒu fēng shì
shuò wèn yè rú hé Flowers hide palace wall dusk
Chirp chirp perch bird go
Star overlook 10,000 door move
Moon near nine heavens more
Not rest hear gold key
Because wind feel jade bridle pendant
Tomorrow morning have letter business
Count ask night like what Flowers in shadow, palace wall at dusk,
Chirping birds are flying back to roost.
Stars move above the ten thousand doors;
The moon is big nearing the nine heavens.
Not sleeping, I hear a golden key;
In the wind, I think there are jade pendants.
Tomorrow morning, I have to present a memorial,
Again and again, I ask about the night.