Jueju Free Mood, No. 7 of 9 (The Path is Paved With Poplar Catkins)
Du Fu

沙上凫雏傍母眠 màn xìng

sǎn jìng yáng huā pū bái zhān
diǎn xī hé yè dié qīng qián
sǔn gēn zhì zǐ wú rén jiàn
shā shàng fú chú bàng mǔ mián Grain path poplar blossom pave white carpet
Little stream lotus leaves piled green money
Bamboo shoot root sprout no person see
Sand on duckling beside mother sleep The path is paved with poplar catkins, a carpet of white grain,
Lotus leaves on the little stream are piled like green coins.
Among the roots of new bamboo, sprouts that no man has seen,
On the sand nearby, a duckling sleeps beside its mother.