
臭,由“自(鼻)”和“犬”组成,古体“犬”字是狗的形状,古体“自”是鼻子的形状,代表嗅觉器官。由于狗的嗅觉非常灵敏,所以由狗和鼻子构成的“臭”字,表示气味或闻东西的意思。现在的“臭”字只是表示难闻、令人难以接受的气味,读作chòu。但最初的“臭”字表示气味,既可以表示香味,也可以表示     臭味,读作“xiù”。
The character“臭”was composed of “自(鼻)”and “犬”. The ancient form of the character "犬" was the shape of a dog. The ancient form of "自" was originally the shape of a nose, representing the olfactory organ. Because dog has an acute sense of smell, "臭",is composed of a dog and a nose, to represent smell or smelling something. But the original meaning of "臭" indicated all kinds of smell, either fragrance or stink, but now it only means odor.
smelly; stink; notoriety/smell;sniff
臭味:(chòuwèi)stink; foul smell; odour
臭脸:(chòu liǎn)dirty look
臭豆腐:(chòu dòufu)Stinky Tofu
臭名昭著:(chòu míng zhāo zhù)notorious; infamous
臭味相投:(chòu wèi xiāng tóu)like drawn to like; (bad) friends attracted to each other                                               by common tastes
臭气熏天:(chòu qì xūn tiān)reek to high heaven; A bad smell befouls the atmosphere
Nàxiē huài diào de jīdàn fāchū yīgǔ chòuwèi.
The bad eggs give out a bad smell.
Tā hé yìxiē bù sān bú sì de rén chòu wèi xiāng tóu.
He shares the same rotten tastes with some dubious persons.
Zhè tiáo yú fāchòu le, rēng le ba.
The fish stinks, throw it away.