
Bananas香蕉(xiāng jiāo)- Bananas, especially those with black spots on the skin, have a good effect of anti-cancer. 

Sweat potato红薯

Sweat potato红薯(hóng shǔ) - Sweat potato contains rich potassium that will let you energetic, and keep your heart healthy. According to study, it can also prevent breast and prostate cancer and improve memory. But patients with diabetes should eat less as the high sugar consumption. 

Brown rice糙米

Brown rice糙米(cāo mǐ) - Brown rice contains rich Vitamin B, Vitamin E, phosphorus, magnesium. It can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and lower cholesterol according to the new study.


Tomato西红柿(xī hóng shì) - Tomato can prevent breast, cervical, bladder and lung cancers, and can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is especially good for your eyes.