Famous film actor Chen Qiang

Famous film and performing artist Chen Qiang, the father of Chen Peisi, died at the age 94, in Beijing on June 26.

Chen Qiang, originally named Chen Qingsan, was born in 1918 in Hebei province. He was one of China’s first generation of actors and one of the pioneers of modern China’s film industry. He had been in the film industry for many years and was really good at acting “villains”. His famous works include “The Red Detachment of Women” and “The White-Haired Girl”. He also acted in many comedies including “Father and Son” and “Look at this family”. He had been awarded “Lifetime Achievement Award” on the 29th Hundred Flowers Award.

红色娘子军hóngsè niángzǐ jūn:the Red Detachment of Women
白毛女báimáo nǚ:the White-Haired Girl
百花奖bǎihuā jiǎng:Hundred Flowers Award
终身成就奖zhōngshēn chéngjiù jiǎng:Lifetime Achievement Award

Photo shows Chen Qiang at his younger age

Picture shows Chen Qiang and his son Cheng Peisi are attending an activity in the Great Hall of People in Beijing, 1983.

Chen Qiang is at the press conference of the show “Tuo Er”, performed by his son Chen Peisi.