Huguo Temple Noshery is famous for its delicious tasting snacks, low price and good selection. These traditional snacks are very lovely: sweet roasted pancake with osmanthus, steamed bread with dates, fried dough twists with ginger and honey, deep-fried dough twists with honey, lvdagunr – glutinous rice rolls stuffed with red bean paste, seasoned millet mush, douzhir (fermented soybean milk), chop suey soup, etc. Take the tiny aiwowo for example: have a bite and its fragrance will remain long after the snack is gone.

In order to better fulfill the needs of domestic and foreign customers, China’s time-honored brand Huguo Temple Noshery has improved itself by creating the “Snack Feast”, which is a mixture of traditional Beijing snacks and halal food, with their exquisite cooking skills and excellent banquet design. The “Snack Feast” is famous for its rich variety of food and special style. The traditional snacks in the “Snack Feast” are made in multiple styles: roasted, fried, braised, and baked snacks, soft and crisp snacks, and salted or sweet snacks like aiwowo (steamed rice cakes with sweet stuffing), lvdagunr – glutinous rice rolls stuffed with red bean paste, pea flour cake, steamed glutinous rice balls with red bean paste, etc. Additionally, the “Snack Feast” pays attention to the balance of nutrition by choosing halal meat dishes as sautéed ox tripe with coriander, braised ox tail in brown sauce, fried mutton fillet in sweet sauce and so on. The feast was honored to be named the “Exquisite Feast of Beijing” and became a legend in the catering circle of Beijing.
为进一步展示小吃文化,使中外宾客品尝小吃的风味特色,领略老北京风情,中华老字号护国寺小吃店在继承传统北京小吃的基础上,精心研制,挖掘创新,以其精湛的小吃制作技艺和缜密的宴席设计构思,独家创制了集小吃精品和清真特色美食于一宴的“小吃宴”。 “小吃宴”以品种丰富、宴式别致而著称。席间艾窝窝、驴打滚、豌豆黄、象鼻子糕等风味小吃,选料精细、造型美观,技法多样,蒸、炸、煮、烙俱全,或绵软或酥脆,或咸鲜或香甜,秉承了几百年北京宫廷和民间小吃的精华。同时,“小吃宴”讲究荤素搭配、营养合理,精选了芫爆散丹、红烧牛尾、它似蜜等具有清真饮食特色的宴席菜肴。整套宴席极具北京地方风味特色,且文化底蕴丰富,曾荣获“北京市精品宴席”称号,被京城名人雅士和市民百姓所眷爱,成为京城饮食界的一朵奇葩。

Specialties: fried creamy cake, lvdagunr – glutinous rice rolls stuffed with red bean paste

Address: No. 93, Huguo Temple Street, Western District, Beijing

Huguo Temple Snacks are a representative of local snacks in Beijing. It is famous for its wide variety of snacks distinctive features, and deep-rooted historical and cultural accumulation. It sells more than 80 kind of snacks such as aiwowo (steamed rice cakes with sweet stuffing), lvdagunr – glutinous rice rolls stuffed with red bean paste, pea flour cake, steamed glutinous rice balls with red bean paste, deep-fried dough twists, fried glutinous rice balls with sesame, deep-fried dough rings, seasoned millet mush, chop suey soup, douzhir (fermented soybean milk), etc. These delicious snacks are highly praised by customers, both domestic and abroad.