Growing up with Chinese(成长汉语) is an entertaining, fun and easy Chinese series. This series teaches 300 of the most commonly spoken Chinese phrases to teenagers. It is hosted by Charlotte MacInnis, known to the Chinese audiences as Ai Hua.

Key words:
放 fàn:gused for flying a kite
只 zhī:the measure word for kite
输 shū:to lose
高手 gāoshǒu:expert
出马 chūmǎ:to take charge
请客 qǐngkè:to invite someone out
风筝 fēngzhēng:kite
专业 zhuānyè:professional
裁判 cáipàn:referee
冰激凌 bīngjīlíng:ice cream
闹笑话 nào xiàohuà:to make a fool of oneself
没办法 méi bànfǎ:There’s no way.
好不容易 hǎo bù róngyì:It’s not easy.
躺着看书 tǎngzhe kàn shū:lying down while reading