Growing up with Chinese(成长汉语) is an entertaining, fun and easy Chinese series. This series teaches 300 of the most commonly spoken Chinese phrases to teenagers. It is hosted by Charlotte MacInnis, known to the Chinese audiences as Ai Hua.

Key words:
顿 dùn:measure word for meal
炒 chǎo:to stir-fry
出差 chūchā:to go on a business trip
中餐 zhōngcān:Chinese cuisine
菜谱 càipǔ:cookbook
洗手 xǐ shǒu:to wash one’s hands
手艺 shǒuyì:workmanship
裁判 cáipàn:referee
煎鸡蛋 jiān jīdàn:fried egg
西红柿 xīhóngshì:tomato
不见得 bújiàndé:not necessarily
要我说 yào wǒ shuō:in my opinion
纸上谈兵 zhǐshàngtánbīng:to talk about stratagems on paper
西红柿炒鸡蛋 xīhóngshì chǎo jīdàn:scrambled eggs with tomatoes