A dialogue between Mubai and Xiulian.

Mùbái hé Xiùlián yìqǐ zuò zài liánɡtínɡ lǐ.
Mubai and Xiulian are sitting together in a pavilion

Mùbái: Xiùlián, wǒmen nénɡ ɡòu chùmō de dōnɡxi méiyǒu yónɡyuǎn. Yìqiè dōu shì huànjué. Shīfu shuō "fànɡqì xūqiú, nǐ cái yōnɡyǒu shízɑi."
Mubai:Xiulian, the things we can touch have no permanence. it is all an illusion. The master would say, "A man's primary need is to let go. Only then can he possess what is truly real. "

Xiùlián: shì, shì yǒu xiē shìqínɡ shì xūhuàn de, dànshì yǒuxiē quèshì wúnài de zhēnshí. Bǐrú, shǒu, nándào bú shì zhēnshí de mɑ?
Xiulian: Yes, I am sure many things are an illusion. Yet some are hopelessly real. Like my hand. Wasn't that real?

Mùbái: Shuānɡdāo dàxiá de shǒu, yòu cū yòu yìnɡ. Wǒ shì nàme kěwànɡ nénɡ chùmō tā, què cónɡ yě méi ɡǎn. Xiùlián, wǒmen shēnpánɡ wòhǔ-cánɡlónɡ, dāojiàn lǐ cánɡ xiōnɡ, zhēnzhènɡ de xiōnɡjī què cánɡ rénxīn lǐ. Wǒ xiǎnɡ wèi nǐ ér líkāi jiānɡhú, kě qiáo,què dài ɡěi wǒ shénme yànɡ de máfɑn。
Mubai:Rough and calloused. The hand of a Shuang Dao master. How I've longed to touch it and never dared! Xiulian, we are beset with peril, and it is not weapons. The real resides in the human heart. I tried to leave the Jianghu world for you and look what trouble that had brought us.

Xiùlián: Yāyì zhǐ huì rànɡ ɡǎnqínɡ ɡènɡ qiánɡliè.
Xiulian: The feeling one represses just strengthen.

Mùbái: Shuō dé duì, dàn wǒ nénɡ zěnme bàn ne ? Wǒ xīwànɡ wǒmen … … jiù zhe yànɡ yíkuài'ér zuò zhe, wǒ fǎn'ér nénɡ ɡǎnjué dào zhǒnɡ jídà de pínɡjìnɡ.
Mubai: You are right, but what do i do then? What I would like is us...together as we are here. It gives me a sense of infinite peace.