Tremella and red dates soup红枣银耳汤(hónɡzǎo yín‘ěr tānɡ)

Ingredients: 20 grams of tremella; 100 grams of red dates; 250 grams of crystal sugar

Recipe: soak the tremella with warm water. Clean them and remove their black roots. Quick-boil them and soak with clean water. Then cook them. Clean the red dates and put them in a bowl. Then cook them. Boil 1.5 kg of water and put the crystal sugar into it. Heat until the crystal sugar melts. Then put tremella and red dates into the water and boil them for a while.

Benefits: promotes the production of saliva, reinforces the Qi, and nourishes the Yin.

Rice porridge with lily百合粥(Bǎihé Zhōu)

Ingredients: 30 grams of lily; 100 grams of non-glutinous rice; proper amount of crystal sugar

Recipe: clean and soften lily with pure water. Clean the non-glutinous rice and use it to make porridge together with lily. When it is almost done, add the crystal sugar.

Benefits: nourishes the lungs and relieves coughing; clears away heartburn and tranquillizes pain.

Mung bean soup with yoyumin and mint 绿豆薏米粥(lǜdòu yìmǐ zhōu)

Ingredients: 5 grams of mints; 30 grams of yoyumin; 60 grams of mung beans; one or two spoons of crystal sugar.

Recipe: clean yoyumin and mung beans. Soak them for 3 hours. Pour 800 ml of water into a pot and put yoyumin and mung beans in it. Boil them. Then boil for another half an hour over a low fire. Add mint and sugar. Then boil for 5 to ten minutes.

Benefits: dispels heat and detoxifies the body