香饽饽 (xiāng bōbo) favorite/best-loved


"香饽饽(xiāng bōbo)" is a commendatory term which originally referred to a kind of cooked wheaten food. Now, it indicates something or someone favored and welcomed.


1、Suízhe kējì de fāzhǎn, yōngyǒu jiào gāo jìsuànjī yìngyòng nénglì de rén chéng le zhíchǎng shàng de xiāng bōbo.
With the development of science and technology, applicants who are highly skilled at computer have become new favorite in the talent market.

2、Zhèzhǒng shuǐguǒ jì yǒu yíngyǎng yòu hǎochī,yí shàngshì jiù chéng le shuǐguǒ shìchǎng shàng de xiāng bōbo.
This fruit is nutritious and tastes good and thus becomes popular as soon as it appears on the market.
