
1. 我要一瓶啤酒。Wǒ yào yì píng píjiǔ.
I want a bottle of beer.
You walk up to the bar and sit down and ask for a beer.You can say 我要一瓶啤酒.
我要 wǒ yào, I’d like to.
一瓶 yì píng , a bottle of.
啤酒 píjiǔ, beer.
我要一瓶啤酒. I’d like to have a beer.

2. 您要哪种啤酒?Nín yào nǎ zhǒng píjiǔ?
What kind of beer do you want?
And then the bartender might ask you what kind of beer that you want, which is 您要哪种啤酒?
您 nín is the polite form of 你, which means you.
要 yào, want.
哪种 nǎ zhǒng, which kind of.
啤酒 píjiǔ, beer.
您要哪种啤酒? What kind of beer do you want?

3. 要加冰吗?Yào jiā bīng ma?
Do you want ice?
If you order a scotch, he might ask you “On the rocks?”, which is 要加冰吗?
要 yào, is short for 需要 xūyào, which means need.
加 jiā, to put in or to add.
冰 bīng, is ice.
要加冰吗? On the rocks? And then you’d say you want it straight. You can say 不加冰 bù jiā bīnɡ.
不 bù, means no, don’t do something.
不加 bù jiā , don’t put in.
冰 bīnɡ, ice.
不加冰 bù jiā bīnɡ. I want it straight.

4. 有没有碳酸饮料。Yǒu méiyǒu tànsuān yǐnliào?
Are there any carbonated drinks?
有没有 yǒu méiyǒu. It’s a very common sentence structure, which means do you have something or not.
碳酸 tànsuān, means carbonated beverages like soda or the soft drinks.
饮料 yǐnliào, beverage.
碳酸饮料 tànsuān yǐnliào, soft drinks.
有没有碳酸饮料? Do you serve soft drinks?