毕竟 (bìjìng) can be used to emphasize a reason or characteristic, and is like "after all" where you might say, "he is after all, only a child." 毕竟 is used both in spoken and written Chinese.

Basic Form

In it's most basic form, You just need to add the "after all" stuff after the 毕竟, and it could be a reason or a characteristic.

Basic Structure

毕竟 + reason/characteristic


lánɡ bìjìnɡ hái yǒu yěxìnɡ, wèishí de shíhou yídìnɡ yào shífēn xiǎoxīn.
狼 毕竟 还 有 野性,喂食 的 时候 一定 要 十分 小心。
After all, wolves are wild. When you're feeding them, you have to be very careful.

cízhí duì wǒ láishuō shì ɡè hěn nán de juédìn, bìjìnɡ wǒ zài zhèɡe ɡōnɡsī hěnchánɡ shíjiān le.
辞职 对 我 来说 是 个 很 难 的 决定,毕竟 我 在 这个 公司 很长 时间 了。
For me, resigning is a difficult decision, after all, I've worked at this company for a long time.

méiɡuānxi, tā xiǎnɡ qǐnɡkè jiù rànɡ tā qǐnɡ, bìjìnɡ tā bú quē qián!
没关系,他 想 请客 就 让 他 请,毕竟 他 不 缺 钱!
It doesn't matter. If he wants to treat us, let him. After all, he doesn't lack money!

Complex Form
Basic Structure

虽然 + A + 但 + 毕竟 + B + C

In this structure, A and B are reasons or characteristics, and C is a result or conclusion.It's a bit more complex, so pay attention to the different parts in the example sentences below.


suīrán xiǎo lánɡ kànqǐlái kěài, dàn bìjìnɡ shì yěshēnɡ dònɡwù, ɡēn tā dǎjiāodào shí yídìnɡ yào bǎochí jǐnɡtì.
虽然 小 狼 看起来 可爱,但 毕竟 是 野生 动物,跟 它 打交道 时 一定 要 保持 警惕。
Although little wolves look cute, they are still wild animals. When you deal with them, you have to be careful.

suīrán tā zuò cuò le shìqínɡ, dànshì tā bìjìnɡ háishì ɡè xiǎoháiér, nǐ jiù bié dǎ tā le.
虽然 他 做 错 了 事情,但是 他 毕竟 还是 个 小孩儿,你 就 别 打 他 了。
Although he does bad things, he is, after all, only a small child, so don't hit him.