Spicy fish was one of the Sichuan dishes, color red, fresh and mellow, for carp for the production of the ingredient, process for the stew, making difficult medium,

Spicy fish material: flowers silver carp a strip about two pounds;

Spicy fish ingredients: celery and one or two old ginger, garlic bolt one or two, fragrant onions one or two, a small piece of chili pepper, watercress, spoons, oil one tablespoon three spoons, pepper powder, garlic two flaps, two tablespoons of soy sauce, cooking wine two tablespoons of two tablespoons, starch, against water into juice powder, salt, monosodium glutamate adequate;

Spicy fish approach:

1. ginger, celery and garlic sprout green onion cut into sections at the end; clean after taking a net pork with swathes of silver carp; fish slices with salt and cooking wine, water, starch and mix code more than ten minutes.

2. 50% thermal burn to put oil in the Pan, watercress and fried with ginger and garlic reduce heat under nearly two minutes off scent.

3. add about a pound of soup or water, celery, garlic sprout and spring onion under burning boiling, cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate.

4. burned for about two minutes, put a plate for the bottom, leaving the soup juice.

5. put the fish in the pot slightly after hot soup powder, set fire to the fish in a modified fragment.

6. the oil of pepper, pepper powder shovel is uniform.

7. Pan will pour the fish plate materials on can be on the table.

Warm Tip:

1. fish should not be prematurely put ginger, fish protein coagulation should stay put after ginger, ginger to really bring its best conditions the effectiveness of aroma.

2. when cooking fish with more fat, add some white wine, can enable dish taste delicious but not greasy.

With a hard object is the best way to fish out and bloodletting from fish gills, so color white steamed fish, eating no fish smell.

Eat healthy:

Silver carp can provide rich gelatinous protein, fitness, and beauty, is the ideal food female nourishes the skin. Its rough, desquamation of the skin, hair simply easy loss effects of both, female beauty is a delicacy not to be ignored. Temperature of invigorating Qi, warming the stomach, Chak skin health food, apply to the deficient cold of spleen and stomach physique, duck stool, skin dryness, also for less milk due to deficiency of spleen and stomach disease.

Food taboos:

The general population are edible, Yun-heat of spleen and stomach of unfit; pruritus of skin diseases, heat, urticaria, rash patients should avoid eating.