Results found with the tag 'in China' , 4 articles in total.
Top 10 rules for doing business in China
China, the business hub of the world is the dream for many entrepreneur. This market with 10% growth, this billion potential consumers, those 800 million cell phones…offer spectacular opportunit
Business Hours in China
The Chinese government stipulates a five-day workweek with no more than 8 hours a day and no more than 44 hours a week in the Labor Law of People's Republic of China.
Drinking Water in China
When you come to China at first time, don't drink water directly.Unlike in most western countries, the tap water in China is undrinkable before it is boiled.
Best Tour Destinations in China
China is so large. Some destinations are renowned for its history; some boast picturesque landscapes; some are endowed with very colorful ethnic features; and some are economically prosperous.