公铁行(gōng tiě xíng)

The Chinese is a back translation from the English BMW, which stands for bus, metro and walk. BMW has become a major commuting mode for more people in large Chinese cities such as Shanghai. It was coined by Chinese netizens inspired by the namesake luxury car brand partly as a way to promote an environmental-friendly lifestyle.

拼爹(pīn dié)
parents privilege competition

Coined by Chinese youngsters to voice their frustration at privileges given to some people whose parents hold a position of power or have a deep pocket. It literally means "competition between fathers."

牛博(niú bó)
popular microblog

It refers to those microblogs that have a huge number of followers, though in some cases the number has been inflated in dishonest ways.

色情短信接收者(sè qíng duǎn xìn jiē shōu zhě)

A recipient of a sext, or a text message containing sexual content.

精结者(jīng jié zhě)


The nickname given to “The Terminator” actor Arnold Schwarzenegger after the news broke that he had fathered a child with one of his household staff.