莲花与中国传统文化关系最为深厚。在中国,莲花常常被崇为“花中君子(huā zhōng jūn zǐ)”、“水中芙蓉(shuǐzhōng fú róng)”。作为一种长在水中的植物,莲花有许多美丽的别称,如:“中国莲(Zhōng guó lián)荷花(hé huā)芙蓉花(fú róng huā)六月花神(liù yuè huā shén)青莲(qīng lián)莲(lián)”等,所以,它常用来形容女性的美丽、圣洁和高雅。自古以来,中国人十分喜爱莲花,也还因为它“出淤泥而不染”,是中国传统文化中一种理想人格的化身。在民俗中,中国还有许多与莲花有关的说法,存有十分美好的寓意,比如:“并蒂莲(bìng dì lián)”,说的就是“莲有一蒂二花者”,象征男女好合,夫妻恩爱。“莲”还谐音“廉”,即纯洁清廉之意,故而有“一品清廉(yì pín qīng lián)”之说。

The lotus flower has a profound connection with traditional Chinese culture. In this country the lotus is often referred to as the "Gentleman among Flowers". This graceful water plant has a large number of affectionate nicknames such as: Chinese Lotus, Lotus Flower, Furong Flower, the Flora of June, Green Lotus or simply Lotus. It is often used to symbolise female beauty, purity and elegance. Chinese people have appreciated the flower since ancient times as it “rises from dirt without being polluted”. This characteristic is highly respected in traditional Chinese culture. Chinese folklore also has many other favourable ways to refer to the lotus. “Bing Di Lian”, literally “twin lotus flowers on one stalk”, for instance, is often used to represent "a devoted married couple". “Lian”, or Lotus, sounds similar to another Chinese word "Lian”, which means “clean and pure” and is also used to represent a person with similar characteristics.