Happy Chinese(快乐汉语) is an entertaining, fun and easy Chinese series. In Season II, we will focus on typical Tourist Chinese by famous tourist spots in China. It helps the learners form a solid foundation for their further studies.快乐汉语系列二《旅游汉语》主要教授在中国旅游途中的实用汉语。我们将以情景剧的方式把中国最有代表的旅游胜地串联起来,展示中国的秀美山川、人杰地灵。

Today we will introduce some useful sentences about how to ask directions in Chengdu.今天我们来学习在成都怎么问路。

下楼梯 xià lóutī:go downstairs
上楼梯 shàng lóutī:go upstairs
春熙路 Chūnxī Lù:Chunxi Road
天府广场 Tiānfǔ Guǎngchǎng:Tianfu Square
爱情斑马线 àiqíng bānmǎxiàn:Love Crossroad
合江亭 Héjiāng Tíng:Hejiang booth


1. Qǐngwèn,dào……zěnme zǒu?
Excuse me,how can I find such-and-such a place?

2. Qǐngwèn,dào Tiānfǔ Guǎngchǎng zěnme zǒu?
Excuse me,how do I go to Tianfu Square?

3.Qǐngwèn,àiqíng bānmǎxiàn zěnme zǒu?
Excuse me,how do I go to Chengdu’s Love Crosswalk?

4. Yánzhe zhè tiáo lù zhízǒu ,zhuǎn gè wān jiù dàole.
Follow this road.When you turn the corner,you’re there.