Grain Rain, or Guyu, is one of 24 Solar Terms. The Grain Rain season falls is the last solar term of spring. It is loosely translated into “rain brings about the growth of hundreds of grains”.

After that, the Grain Rain season, temperature rises dramatically bringing with it more rainfall. Grain Rain season comes with a saying which revolves around rain. One of the sayings, “It rains when summer begins; and it becomes cloudy when Grain Rain starts.”; “The soil is wet for 45 days after raining during the Grain Rain season.”

A proverb goes “Days around the Tomb-sweeping Day must be fine and clear, but rain should fall around the Grain Rain season.” That is, it should be a clear and bright day when the crops grow; but at the same time a lot of of rainfall is required to transplant the rice seedlings.

The rain which falls during the Grain Rain period is spring rain. Spring rain is as precious as oil. The people in the countryside say, “When there is no rain during Grain Rain, we pray for rain after” Rain in Grain Rain is good for new life and it brings with it the hope of a good harvest.

There is another saying which goes, “There is usually a lack of rain during both the Tomb-sweeping Day and the Grain Rain periods.” That is to say, there is always a shortage of rain during this time. During Grain Rain, in Hainan Island, in the western part of Sichuan and Guangxi provinces, in northwest and north China, people eagerly wait for rain. Generally, rain is more precious than oil when there are more fine days with lots of evaporation, more sandstorms and dry air. Wheat and rape need water when they are in the maturation period. Rain is also needed when the crops such as grain, corn, cotton, vegetables are growing. A timely rainfall at this time would mean the crops get watered. 

More information you can read:Grain Rain