The herb of common sowthistle put forth flowers

Although Grain Buds means that grains are about to become full, they are not mature yet. In ancient times, people usually ate potherbs to stay their hunger. Eating herbs of common sowthistle has a long history in China. Many ancient books have recorded this.
小满虽然预示着麦子将熟,但毕竟仍然处在一个青黄不接的阶段。在过去,百姓们在这个时候往往以野菜充饥。食苦菜在中国有着悠久的历史,苦菜的品种也多种多样。《埤雅》以荼为苦菜 。 《毛诗》曰:“谁谓荼苦?”是也。 鲍氏曰:“感火之气而苦味成。”《尔雅》曰:“不荣而实者谓之秀,荣而不实者谓之英,”此苦莱宜言英也。鲍氏曰:“感火之气而苦味成。”蔡邕 《月令》以谓苦荬菜。

The death of Micao (a kind of grass)

According to sayings in some ancient books, Micao is a kind of sciophilous plant. Most parts of China begin to enter summer at Grain Buds, and the death of Micao indicates the overabundance of Yang.
靡草死: 郑康成、鲍景翔皆云: 靡草,葶苈之属。《礼记》注曰:“草之枝叶而靡细者。”方氏曰:“凡物感阳而生者,则强而立;感阴而生者,则柔而靡。”根据这些古籍的著述,所谓靡草应该是一种喜阴的植物。小满节气,全各个地开始步入夏天,而靡草死正是小满节气阳气日盛的标志。

The harvest of wheat

Although it is still summer, it is already “fall” for wheat, because they are about to become ripe and the harvest season is coming soon.

A Good Season for Eating Fish

During Grain Buds period, the summer harvest is about to begin. A saying about rain in Grain Buds goes like this: “A heavy rainfall makes the river full.” Because of the great increase in rainfall, rivers are full of water, which makes fish and shrimp big and fat. It is a good time for eating tasty fish and shrimp in Grain Buds. It is also a harvest season for fishermen.
“小满”是一年中的第8个节气,这个节气前后,夏收作物已经结果,籽粒逐渐饱满,但尚未成熟,所以叫小满。小满有“大落大满,小落小满”之谚语,“落”是下雨的意思。“小满”开始,闽南一带天气开始变得潮湿闷热,雨水也会增多,正如民间传言:“小满小满,江满河满”。 闽南还有“小满前后鱼虾肥”的说法,这个节气前后,正是鱼虾肉厚味美的时候,也是渔民收获的季节。