蚁族(yǐzú) ant tribe


“蚁族” is a word that describes low-income or unemployed college graduates. After finishing school, they cannot find work, or their salaries are low, and they move to the city outskirts. Their numbers are large, and they live in groups like ants.


1、Hěnduō yǐzú yǐjīng miànduì cánkù de xiànshí, kāishǐ táolí yīxiàn chéngshì.
A lot of ant tribe members have to face the cruel reality and start to leave first-tier cities.

2、Yīkāishǐ yǐzú dōushì huáichuāi mèngxiǎng, kěwàng zài chéngshì zhōng lìzú.
At the beginning, members of the ant tribes dream of keeping a foothold in the cities.
