跟屁虫(gēn pì chóng) one’s shadow; to tag along


“跟屁虫”is a metaphorical expression. In this noun, “跟”means follow and “屁”whose meaning is bottom refers to the back of somebody. What’s more, the word“虫”(worm) here is used to describe a kind of human, which can definitely be considered as the disapproval of them. The whole word refers to a kind of people who always follow others out of showing flattering, their faire or lack of self-independence.


1、Nǐ yǒu méi yǒu zhǔjiàn ā? Xiàng ge gēnpìchóng.
Don't you have your own opinion? You just act like a loud-speaker.

2、Tā méi shěnme zhēn běnshì,jiù shì ge lǐngdǎo de gēnpìchóng.
He himself doesn’t have strong ability in work, instead he acts as a shadow of his boss.
