开门红 (kāi mén hóng) a good beginning


红色在中国有喜庆吉祥的意义。“开门红”这个词源于古代,逢年过节的时候大家都爱往门墙上贴一些红色福字或对联等,以此期待来年风调雨顺,日子兴旺发达。 后来用来比喻在一年开始或一项工作开始的时候就取得好成绩。
Red signifies luck and prosperity in China.“开门红”is originated in ancient times. People liked to paste red lucky character or red couplets on the wall on New Year’s Day, looking forward to favorable weather and good days in the next year. Later, it’s used to mean a perfect beginning of a year or a project.


1、Zhōngyāng Diànshìtái de Yuándàn Wǎnhuì yíngle ge kāi mén hóng, shōushìlǜ déle quánguó dì yī.
The New Year Party in CCTV has made a perfect beginning with the highest audience rating.

2、Yī yuè Xiǎo Wáng tánchéng le yì bǐ dà shēngyi, zhēnzhèng wèi gōngsī chuàng le gè kāi mén hóng.
Xiao Wang has made a big deal in January, which was indeed a good start.
