Winding River (2)
Du Fu
曲江二首 (二)

暂时相赏莫相违 qū jiāng èr shǒu (èr)

cháo huí rì rì diǎn chūn yī
měi rì jiāng tóu jìn zuì guī
jiǔ zhài xún cháng xíng chù yǒu
rén shēng qī shí gǔ lái xī
chuān huā jiá dié shēn shēn jiàn
diǎn shuǐ qīng tíng kuǎn kuǎn fēi
chuán yǔ fēng guāng gòng liú zhuǎn
zàn shí xiāng shǎng mò xiāng wéi Court return every day pawn spring clothes
Every day river area utmost drunk return
Wine debt common go place have
Life seventy always rare
Through flowers vanessa butterfly deep deep see
Drop water dragonfly leisurely fly
Pass on speech time all be on move
Brief time mutual recognise not mutual separate I come back from the court each day and pawn some spring clothing,
Every day I return to the river as drunk as I can be.
I have many debts for wine all over the place,
For men to live to seventy has always been unusual.
I see the butterflies go deeper and deeper between the flowers,
And dragonflies in leisured flight between drops of water.
As we're told, passing time is always on the move,
So little time to know each other: we should not be apart.