Foreigners often make some strange mistakes in Chinese when they study the most difficult language--- ---Chinese. We try to analyze typical sentences to correct these errors.

         Qùnián de pínɡɡuǒ chǎnliànɡ méiyǒu jīnnián de pínɡɡuǒ chǎnliànɡ nàme duō.
False: 去年的苹果产量没有今年的苹果产量那么多。
         Qùnián de pínɡɡuǒ chǎnliànɡ méiyǒu jīnnián de pínɡɡuǒ chǎnliànɡ zhème duō.
True: 去年的苹果产量没有今年的苹果产量这么多。

The sentence is focused on the situation of this year which encloses the moment of utterance. One should use 这么.