Sui dynasty is called a Restoration of Empire.China was reunified in A.D. 589 by the short-lived Sui dynasty (A.D. 581-617), which has often been compared to the earlier Qin dynasty in tenure and the ruthlessness of its accomplishments. The Sui dynasty’s early demise was attributed to the government’s tyrannical demands on the people, who bore the crushing burden of taxes and compulsory labor. These resources were overstrained in the completion of the Grand Canal(大运河) –a monumental engineering feat–and in the undertaking of other construction projects, including the reconstruction of the Great Wall. Weakened by costly and disastrous military campaigns against Korea (朝鲜)in the early seventh century, the dynasty disintegrated through a combination of popular revolts, disloyalty, and assassination. Map is showing the geographical extension of the Chinese Empire of the Sui Dynasty as well as surrounding ethnic groups, tribes and kingdoms around the year 600 AD.