凤凰男 (fènghuángnán) phoenix man


“凤凰男” means a poor rural boy who relies on his own abilities to gain a foothold in the cities through diligence and effort. He usually has a good job, a wife from the city, and has gradually integrated into city life.


1、Yóuyú chéngzhǎng huánjìng de yǐngxiǎng, yī xiē fènghuángnán róngyì chǎnshēng zìbēi xīnlǐ.
Due to the influence of the environment where they grew up, some phoenix men are prone to inferiority complexes.

2、Fènghuángnán de suǒyǒu chéngjiù, dōushì kào zìjǐ de shuāngshǒu nǔlì fèndòu dé lái de.
All the achievements of phoenix men have been attained by the work and struggle of his own hands.
