Eat healthy:

Sago has efficacy of invigorating the spleen, tonifying the lung and resolving phlegm, additionally sago can beauty, because it has the ability to restore natural moisturizing of the skin. Coincided with the papaya and a large number of listed now, papaya with invigorating the spleen to promoting digestion, reduce blood fat, soften blood vessels, such as breast enhancement effect. Cooking with milk, sago, papaya not only thin, but breast enhancement.

Papaya and sago in coconut milk(木瓜椰汁西米捞 mùguā yēzhī xīmǐ lāo) ingredients: ripe papayas, Sago.

Papaya and sago in coconut milk ingredients: coconut juice, and sugar.

Sago in coconut milk, papaya approach:

1, boiling Sago.

2, parents were seen not left/middle or small white spots, stuffy boiled so close fire for 5 minutes.

3, go to seed, papaya, cut into small pieces.

4, papaya, and cooked spare Sago.

5, fused together. A sago does look like small pearls.

6, was a success.

Food taboos:

Inappropriate and Fried Fish, papaya, carrots with fresh.

Warm Tip:

Recommendations were put into the refrigerator. On freezing, taste better. Drink up and clearing away heat and thirst.