Metro:《 My Pride 》

:Lots of your audiences get to know Metro from the Internet. We want to know more about Metro. Can you tell us some stories about your band? What made you guys decide to form a band and run your career in Hong Kong?

Eric: It was in 1998, an agent from New York had asked me to put together a group for a contract of six months. And I knew Michael, he was studying at the university as a student in music, and my father is his mentor. I knew Sean through a cappella singing society called Barbershop. And then Kevin, he had worked with us in Disney and joined Metro in 2008.

Sean: Metro has been performing all over the world for the past 14 years. The decision to make Hong Kong our base was made in 2008 after more than five years of performing professionally on the stages in both Japan and Hong Kong. One of the big reasons that we made Hong Kong our base is it’s in the central of Asia, it’s easy to get a flight to go to all the major cities in Asia in 3 or 4 hours. And we really love the city, it’s very alive, lots if going on, a good city for both live and perform.

We know that Metro traveled a lot. So which place impressed you most? And why?

Michael : Well every place is different. But I have to say the place I love most is Hong Kong. We’ve based here for 7 years and right now Hong Kong is our home. When I first time showed up in Hong Kong, I was amazed about the convenient as it’s so easy to get anywhere. And the food is great! You can get absolute anything you want in Hong Kong. And it’s definitely one of the best dishes you’ve ever eaten in your life.

Kevin: When I first come to Hong Kong. I was really amazed how nice the people were how great the food was. And the Hong Kong skyline is one of my favorites in the world. The lights are just so amazing! It’s gorgeous in both day and night time.

Eric: Hong Kong is a very international and exciting city! This city never sleep, lot of things going on everyday. And we love the airport in Hong Kong, it is definitely the number one airport in the world!

:Is your music named a cappella? This type of music is not so familiar to mainland audience. Can you introduce it to us briefly?

Kevin: A cappella is kind of music that solo or group singing without instrumental sound, all vocal performance.
A cappella 是一种演唱方式,个人或者组合不需要乐器伴奏,单纯用人声演唱。

:You are gonna release your new album soon. Can you tell us something about your new album?

Sean: Yes. Our new album NO borders will be released soon. It will be 10 tracks, complete Mandarin and Cantonese.