
片中主人公黎国华先生, 1950年出生,湖北宜昌人。当过伐木工、文工团员、科考队员、中国科学探险协会会员、记者。自1976年开始,长期在神农架坚持奇异动物“野人”之谜的探索研究。1984年调入神农架自然保护区科研所。一边从事金丝猴生态习性研究,一边坚持自费考察“野人”。依靠自学成才,在海内外发表科普作品、论文、图片报道数百件。先后被美国华尔街日报、英国每日邮报等国内外众多传媒采访,因对神农架生态环境建设贡献突出,曾获“2004中华之魂百名优秀人物”等奖励荣誉。他用多幅照片、插画与文字相结合,真实、形象、生动地揭秘了作者30多年来鲜为人知,在原始深林里的追踪“野人”的经历,将在毒蛇猛兽、山洪塌方、夏日冰雹、十月飘雪的神农架原始深林里,惊险艰难的探险生活再现给观众。

Shennongjia Forestry District is a county-level administrative unit (a "forestry district") in northwestern Hubei province. It is named after the Shennongjia mountainous massif, which is usually considered to be the eastern (and the highest) section of the Daba Mountains (Daba Shan). It lies within the Daba Mountains evergreen forests ecoregion. Some of Hubei's highest mountains - which are also the highest mountains of the Daba Shan - are located within the district. The district is mountainous and heavily forested, which, historically, made forestry the main industry. The name Shennongjia comes from the name of the mythical deity/legendary emperor Shennong and jia, meaning ladder: literally, "Shennong's ladder", after a mythical rattan ladder which Shennong was said to use to climb up and down the mountain (later, the ladder was said to have magically transformed into a deep forest).