Amazing Detective Di Renjie(神探狄仁杰 Shéntàn Dírénjié),Season 4 (2010)

This television series was first broadcast on CCTV-8 on August 2004, now in its fourth season with high audience ratings. It is a historical drama based on detective stories related to Di Renjie, a Tang Dynasty (618-907) magistrate and statesman. The main characters Di and his bodyguard Li Yuanfang(李元芳) continually battle with villains to create some thrilling TV. Owing to the TV show, the Yuan Fang font, (元芳体,Yuán fāng tǐ) became very popular on the Internet in one night alone in October 2012.

Yuan fang, what do you think about it?
Yuán fāng, nǐ zěnme kàn?