Beijing Youth (《北京青年》Běijīng Qīngnián) 2012

This TV series is a highly popular youth idol drama, directed by Zhao Baoguang. Combined with “Struggle”(《奋斗》) and “Who really makes the decisions for one’s youth?” (《我的青春谁做主》),the three TV series are called the Youth Trilogy《青春三部曲》。

The producer Zhao BaoGang commented that: “Youth is a very transient dream, when we wake up it’s gone along with all the memories of it. Youth is not a station on a one-way train line. Throughout our life, we’ll always reflect on what it has given us and what is has taught us.”

The TV show reflects reality as it stars four cousins from the He family: He Dong, He Xi, He Nan and He Bei. With totally different characters and different ambitions, the four protagonists each experience different love stories and lives.

Phrases made popular by the show:
得瑟 (de sè, show off)
吃饱了撑的!(chī bǎole chēng de! don’t you have anything better to do?)
找回青春 (zhǎo huí qīngchūn, rejuvenate youth)
翻篇儿 (fān piānr, turn the page or turn over a new life)